Jim Carty

Hi, I’m Jim - aka QuestioWo 👋

I’m a Software Developer 1 at Amazon and First-Class Honours Graduate!

Projects :


A recreation of the Sigma16 IDE in React


A project thought up to more rigorously test the Sigma17 project, I wrote a maze generator with psuedo-random number generation and a recursive backtracking algorithm in Sigma16


A project to create software for a driverless racing car. I handle the GitLab and CI along with detecting cones in a 3D environment from two 2D images.


A C++ rendering of the buddhabrot fractal using the OpenGL and OpenCL libraries

Application of Perceiver Io Network to Abdominal Multi-Class, Multi-Modality Medical Image Segmentation

My dissertation project novelly applies the Perceiver IO network architecture to the domain of medical image segmentation. Supervised by Dr Ali Gooya, graded as an A5, granting me a First Class Honours qualification as a Bachelor of Computer Science with a specialisation in Data Management.

Cat Explorer

A basic Angular project to learn the framework for my internship at SAS after graduating. Makes use of publicly available APIs to show facts about cats and allow you to collect cats with randomly generated stats to build the strongest and loudest roster

I have experience with :

Connect with me :

questiowo.github.io Jim Carty | LinkedIn QuestioWo | GitLab

Jim Carty | Email: cartyjim1@gmail.com

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